Thursday, July 28, 2011


I was just thinking, that I can't believe how boring having no customers can be. Any minute now tumble weed will roll by me, and the smell of wheat will fill the air, as boredom washes over me. I know, I am a bit melodramatic, but the time is calling for some dramatisation.

I have been thinking that life is peculiar. Or maybe I am. It's one of the two, I guess. There are so many things that present itself in a peculiar life. Strange occurrences, heightened emotions, and lack of caredness. I have gotten to the point in my peculiar life, that I no longer care for petty whinging. Oh, my life is bad, boo hoo hoo hoo. Sometimes, you just want to say to people, 'Oh get over yourself, it's never as you're making out'. Sometimes, it feels as though, people create drama to make their lives more interesting, but in the end, all it does is annoy everyone, because for some insane reason you just can't be happy and it's getting retarded and repetitive.

I have a high tolerance for people and optimism that they will change and get better if only we point them in the right direction, but sometimes, some people just cannot be helped and all they want to do is wallow in their misery. I remain in the positive outlook on life category. Because I feel what's the point in wallowing? doesn't make anything any better, and all it seems to be doing is pushing people away.

I enjoy and love my life. I haven't always, I'll admit. I never dwelled on it, or tried to make it worse, just accepted that that's how it was for the moment. Sometimes, it's hard to get out of a rut, but if you have enough sense, you start to realise - 'is this really how I want my life to be at the moment? Do I really want to be misery's little bitch?'

I honestly don't know what I am talking about at the moment. And you're all looking at me like I am a nutcase because I can't seem to keep a train of thought. I have never been one for lingering on a subject too long. So many things just run through my head and I get lost in the thoughts. I'll admit, my mind is fascinating and if I didn't have to interact with various people in my life, I'd live in my head. :)

Anyway I think I have waffled on for far too long. Hope you're all wallowing in happiness. Love you all. Ciao!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Boredom Time Strikes Again!

Hello everyone!

I am writing again for the second time today, and seeing how dead it is in the store today, probably not the last time.

I was thinking about all the random, crazy things that I do, and decided I should blog them and see how many other people do them. Or I am just insane and you people should lock me up :P

  • Singing to myself at the bus stop...alone of course (I am not that crazy)

  • Laughing out loud in a public and inappropriate places (such as at work, when everyone looks at you funny)

  • Constantly read out the funny liked pages on Facebook, that I think is hilarious, and for some reason nobody else does.

  • Sometimes snorting when I laugh, almost intentionally.

  • Reading Nick's mind. Kinda freaks him out.

  • Having a stash of M&M's at work and chewing really quickly when the phone rings, so you don't sound like a hobo on the phone chewing food.

  • Singing to absolutely every song I know when they come on the radio. Annoys the hell out of Nick.

  • Flicking my nails (okay these are starting to be bad habits and things Nick hates me doing :))

  • Always smelling roses even though I have been told that they don't have a smell.

  • Eating everything in sight when I am bored out of my brain.

Okay I should stop. I probably have more, but as I write this, I am realising I have way too many weird things that I do. Anyway, my followers. Probably should go back to doing some real work, even though there are still NO CUSTOMERS. Which I should grateful for considering I really can't be bothered today - which generally follows onto the next day. Anyway, see you laterrrr. Ciao!

A Kiss is a Kiss

I don't understand why people think that kissing someone else (whether drunk or not, whether they mean it or not) is not cheating. It most certainly is. I believe a kiss is just as important as sex, if not more. And asking the person not to see the person they kissed, is a very reasonable request (whether they trust you or not). Listening to this younger generation insist on saying that kissing another person whilst in a relationship is not cheating, gets on my nerves. If you're unhappy talk about it, if that doesn't work, well they'll certainly notice you when you decide to break up with them. Hooking up with someone in front of them, well, how is that going to make things any better? I mean really?

And another thing, to have a go at someone for requesting that they don't speak to the person they kissed (in person) is just plain retarded. It has nothing to do with trust, it has to do with the fact that it hurts to know that you've kissed, and that you still believe it reasonable to talk to them again. As time goes past, you can move on from these things, but straight after it's happened, well, you need respect that person's decision.

I have done some things in my past that I am not proud of. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in the sanctuary of a relationship, and devoting yourself to one person. If you care about them, you wouldn't allow yourself to be put in a situation that could be detrimental to that relationship.

Now I am rambling, and starting to sound like I am 70 years of age. Anyway, that is my daily report, so far. We'll see how bored I get nearing the end of the day. Ciao!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stupid Customer Rant

I'd just like to say that nobody knows how to work a mobile phone these days. It feels like every customer who walks in is absolutely deluded! I mean come on, working a mobile phone is not that difficult. The green button means call someone, the red one means end. The numbers speak for themselves, every page is labelled, like menu - that is so not hard. And if something happens like it just turns itself off or decides to do something weird, how come people dont automatically think to turn the phone off, or take the battery, or even at the last resort take the SIM out. Then put it all back together and then see what happens, why is it that they have to come all the way into store for me to have to do all those very simple and very obvious things to do. I hate the magical part where everything starts working again because I turned the damn thing off.

And what about old people? Seriously, you're like 80 years old. Do you really need an iphone? Is that absolutely necessary? What the hell are you going to do with an iphone? I mean give me a break.

And something else, nobody ever does research before coming into the store, I mean I always make sure I know exactly what I want, how much I spend etc etc. How come almost every customer needs to decide instore? Or I have to make all the decisions for them, what am I their mother? How do they know I am not just ripping them off? Huh? Huh? Tell me that.

Anyways that's it for my rant on stupid customer. That is all. Ciao!

It's That Time Again

Hey everyone,

Must be a work day, as I am on here once again updating you on my life's little happenings. Let me think, what have I been up to this week. Hmm.

Well, I have had my sister Jade over for the whole week, as my parents have been in South Australia. They are supposed to be there for the entire month, but apparently they were given the wrong dates and the trip has to be made again in September. So, I will not be having Jade for the rest of the month, let alone the rest of this week actually. My parents will be driving back on friday and so she will be home with them again on saturday. Funny to say, I am actually going to miss her. The messy room, the funny little quips, playing games on her ipod and watching Ghost Whisperer. But these things happen. She's been accompaining me to Uni this week. Poor thing. Has to sit in a really small lecture theatre and listen to one lecturer who is most definitely gay. The other lecturer couldn't stop making unfunny Dad jokes, and I had to sit there and explain them all to Jade haha. While I was in my tute, with the cute middle aged, Aragon-looking tutor, Jade, Nick and his friend Lachlan had lunch at the campus pub. I met them afterwards. Today, Jade has the whole day with Nick. He has the day off. There's an inspection at 4 and so he has to clean and drop all the pets off at my parents, because we're naughty and havent told the realestate that we have them. But boo for them considering the landlord is selling the place anyway.

Onwards now in the boredom journey, tomorrow is a very special day for me. Two year anniversary. I never thought I'd make here, and now I have, and I couldn't be happier. I am supposed to be taking Nick out for dinner tomorrow night, that all depends on whether I actually get paid on that day of course. Knowing my luck... :p

Anyways, I best be off. Hope you lovelies are having wonder-filled days. Ciao!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

P's Make Degrees...Apparently.

Hey everyone,

I have been waiting for the envitable fail message from Deakin University, saying that I had failed everything for this semester. An unreasonable thought, I'll admit, but one that has plagued. Even to the point then I eventually received the dreaded message, I got Nick to read it for me. His face didn't give anything away, devil. But alas my worries were for nothing. I passed everything!! And it has made me so happy!

Asc101 - 54 P

Hps111 - 58 P

Hsw101 - 60 C

Aip107 - 75 D

I am actually happy with those results, I didn't do well last semester with my assignments, so I am surprised I passed.

Nick did really well on his results as well, I am so very proud of him.

Anyways that's all I wanted to update today. Ciao!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Update...Well Not Really :)

Hey everyone.

I'm blogging again for the third time in three days. It's pathetic, I know. But when it's pouring down rain outside, as well as colder than Antartica, then you soon discover nobody is going to be stupid enough to want to come and buy a phone. They're being smart and sitting at home in bed curled up in the doonas and watching movies all day with a hot chocolate and lots of biscuits. So that is why I am blogging. I am bored! Haha.

I was listening to the radio this morning whilst waiting for some to open up the door for work. And on the radio they were discussing how in a long term relationship, the words 'I love you' expressed to one another are now just as unmeaningful as saying 'I want a piece of toast'. It got me thinking, I mean I will always have the fairytale thought running through my head, that 'I love you' is always meant to be meaningful when you say it. I also believe that the words become meaningless if you no longer mean them. Oh I dunno, but it's got me thinking, how I will be in a couple of years, if I am still with Nick.
Sometimes I think people put too much onto the words and the feelings, and leave everything else behind. I honestly believe that if a person doesnt meet my expectations in regards to a relationship (and I dont think my expectations are unreasonable) then I think that that person doesnt deserve me. Then again, I honestly just dont want to be hurt again because I made the mistake of thinking that love was what's supposed to hold a relationship together. I also dont believe though that the relationship has to be hard work every step of the way, I believe there has to be a balance, an equal partnership and trust. But then again I am young and impressionable, and also a little naive I think. I no longer believe in 'true love', that's there's only one for you in the whole world. But I do believe there's someone out there that compliments you in everyway, and that you feel you're on equal footing with; someone you can fight with but not in a malice way, someone you can always fix a mistake with, someone who understands who you are, and just accepts you. Gosh, I am a sap sometimes.

Moving on...
I have also been thinking about my place in the world. Whether in my lifetime I will make a difference to something, or just a difference to my family or friends. Will I contribute something to this life that I lead, or will I just coast through. I've been thinking that I have to do more about my life, about my health etc. I mean I make these promises that I never fulfil and that depresses me a little. I feel lazy, and I feel I complain a lot. It's ridiculous. I should stop complaining and do something. I think my problem is, I dont know where to start. Should I decide to get fit, or should I write more, should I focus more on study, should get I get a car, should I travel? So many questions. I know one thing is, I am definitely going to save more. Even if it's only $5. At least then I can say I am doing something about improving my life. But it's safe to say that even though I have things I want to do, I am still very happy in my life. I have a boyfriend I love (and I know the irony in me saying that just now), I also have 2 gorgeous cats and 1 even gorgeous dog. I love my family, wouldnt know what I would do without them. And wonderful friends who keep me going through my boring days at work at least haha.

Oh it's still raining, so that means still no customers. Joy! I wish Iw as back to yesterday. I was cuddling up on the couch with Nick watching True Grit (really not as bad as I previously expected, and funnily I actually enjoyed it, for a westernish movie) and also watching him play this game called LA Noire which I am completely addicted to, even though I haven't even touched the controls to play it. I also blogged again yesterday, a little poem, nothing fancy, and played poker, won then lost as it always happens. And I had macoroni cheese for dinner, that I made. It was a good, relaxing day in between work and the weather.

Okay, I guess you're all bored now, and so I shall post this and move on to more exciting things, like waiting for customers or picking at my nails, or possibly going for lunch soon yay!
Don't take life and love too seriously my friends and I'll catch again soon, probably tomorrow because I am working again and supposedly it's raining again. Anyways ciao!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Moon's Lover.

She sings, her voice trembles in the cold, no-one notices.
Wouldn't matter, she is alone on this street as she is alone in life.
Nothing satisfies, not a taste, not a sound.
Her beauty is waning. Crows have nested with her eyes. They sleep alongside her tears.
She hasn't rested in many years. Her body untouched. Her heart unloved.

Her voice carries over the gravel. Swims in the leaves. Only the wind applauds her bravery.
Nothing satisfies, not a single penny, not a single note.
She used to smile, back when the moon was bright. But, it hides with the night.
It hides with her.

She cries no more. She finds comfort in this deserted street. With the howling wind and the whispers of the long forgotten.
Nothing satisfied her, but the roughness of his palms and the cracks in his lips.

She sings to him. The only one she sings for. Until she can't sing no more. Lost within the night. Lost within the dark, only the moon to keep her company.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I know it's been a while since I have blogged. Sorry. Things have been quite hectic lately. And as I say this I am at work currently, which is sadly taking up most of my life at the moment. But I feel a little bit better when I can sneakily do this at work. Hehe. I am not a slacker before any of you get any ideas, it's cold out and so very few people are coming in this morning. Actually when I think about it, there has only been one person this morning, pitiful. Oh well, more time for me to blog to you about my boring, weird and yet still entertaining life.

Recently I am on holidays, due to be back at Uni next week. Sigh. So far my holidays have been pretty eventful for me. Kerri came down last week. Which was fantastic! I got to do some much needed shopping on myself. She's such a bad influence on me. But I won't go into too much detail in this entry as I will probably do a full blog about her visit to us down in miserable Melbourne haha. I wish she didn't have to leave but oh well, awesome excuse to have a holiday to Sydney! Anyway, moving on to my next topic.

My first semester of Uni was hard. I failed two assignments. Luckily one of the lecturers allowed me to resubmit for a pass. And I passed, wooh! I don't know yet how I did on my exams. Nerves are on edge, as I think I am going to find out soon. I know I think I did well in my Politics & Social Work subjects. The others, ehh, not really sure how I went, we shall see. I am excited to start back again though, because I know I am going to do so much better. If the first semester has taught me anything, it's that I got a huge wakeup call and now I am going to strive to not leave my assignments to the last minute. Very naughty of me. Hehe. I think I miss studying, I just want to get back into it again.

I've been working more these holidays. Which means more money for saving to go to Vietnam next year. That's right, I am going to be leaving this country...finally! And I so can't wait. Nick has never been there either, so this is a new adventure for both of us. I think I am going to love it!

Other things coming up are, Jade and Jake are staying with us for a whole month. What am I going to do? Little brat has got the whole month off school. But Mum has got her homework for it, so I am going to be cracking the whip. There's not much, so it shouldn't take her long to get it all done. She's easy to look after, so that's good. Although, I think the hogging the bathroom part is going make me crack eventually. Love her pieces!!

Another thing coming up is Nick and my two year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly it has come around. I am taking Nick out for dinner next week. Got Jade staying at her friends for the night. I am so happy at this point in my life. It couldn't get better. Well at least until next year, and then I am in Vietnam, and then my life couldn't get any better.

Well folks, that's all for now, I think. I hope you all enjoyed my little update. Take care. Love you all. xx