Thursday, September 22, 2011


OMG! Just saw a spider!!! - white tail I think. It moved up the other side of the glass wall and around the corner into my cubicle. Sarah got a tissue and picked it up. But silly her didn't squish it and it moved and she dropped it!! Then proceeded to pick it up again, and squealed as she put it in the bin, as it moved again. We were squealling. My manager wouldn't even go near it. And after all this, is when Justin finally comes in, where was he a few minutes ago. He heard screaming and came out. Typical after the fact. Now, all I feel is things crawling on me. I wanna go home!! eww eww eww eww eww eww eww. I'm paranoid it has babies and they're going to get me. I keep looking around my desk. URGH. So disgusting.

TV Series Galore

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't been blogging much. But I have been wrapped on watching tv series lately. Courtesy of learning naughty things from Kerri and Nick. I have been on intra-semester break (only a week off), but I have been caught up in shows. Currently, I am watching Lost Girl, so far it's okay, I am liking it. Kerri got me onto it. It's a bit predictable and easy so far, but still likable.

Before Lost Girl, I have been watching season 4 of True Blood. Far out that show is trippy as. But Eric is so adorable in this season. I am more in love with him. Sookie annoys me like always. But I like this season the best out of all, mostly due to puppy Eric. :)

I finally watched the end of season five of Ghost Whisperer. Disappointed because I never wanted the show to end, but it ended how I thought it would. Still a good series and I can't wait to buy the entire set. But I will have to wait until after my trip. Damn Vietnam.

That is all from me now. Hope you guys have an awesome weekend. Ciao!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hello my peeps.

I have decided that I love date-in's. Kerri and I did one the other night, and it was so much fun, despite the fact that she lives a million miles away from me. We watched Transformers whilst webcamming. Skype would probably be easier, but I have never used it, so I don't know.

It was so much fun, having snacks, while we both were quoting the movie. Love, love Transformers! Transformers + Kerri + snacks and a warm blanket = best date-in ever!

Annnnd we're doing on again tomorrow night. Transformers 2 baby! Cannot wait!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Update on 'Asylum' Blog

Hey everyone,

I have posted my first part to my first story on my new blog Asylum, it's called 'A Deceitful Kiss'.
Be the first to check it out, and tell me what you think.

Love you all. Ciao!