Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hello my peeps.

I have decided that I love date-in's. Kerri and I did one the other night, and it was so much fun, despite the fact that she lives a million miles away from me. We watched Transformers whilst webcamming. Skype would probably be easier, but I have never used it, so I don't know.

It was so much fun, having snacks, while we both were quoting the movie. Love, love Transformers! Transformers + Kerri + snacks and a warm blanket = best date-in ever!

Annnnd we're doing on again tomorrow night. Transformers 2 baby! Cannot wait!!


  1. Skype is so easy you click 1 button and your chatting away. I am on it heaps chatting to mum and dave :P
