Friday, April 29, 2011

Male Barbie? AVOID!!!!

OMG I am so obsessed with this show.
Snog, Marry or Avoid?
It just cracks me up. I found it while I was on youtube looking at a clip for Psych. These people are the most vapid, blonde, make up caked, vain sluts. And it's hilarious.
I am so tradgic, but I cannot help it.

This guy cracks me up the most. It's not a full clip, but when you watch it, you're gonna realise that you really dont need to. Freaking funny!

Meet 'Male Barbie'

Hope you love!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I know it's been a while since I have posted, but I figured I have something to write about now. And that is... I got a DISTINCTION for my first assignment, wooh! Go me! I am the greatest! If you don't know, and because you're lame, a distinction is one down from a High Distinction, and it goes in marking list like this:

High Distinction

I am so proud of myself. And I thank my lovely boyfriend for helping me on this assignment, without which I would have gotten a pass probably. :P

What else is news. Well Zepplin went back to the vet, don't worry people nothing to worried about. Just a check up. He got a blood test though, and he hasn't lost any weight, mind you he hasnt put on any either. His kidneys are fine, but I am going to have to get some anti-inflamitries to help with his bladder leakage issues.

Anyways that's it for now, hope ya'll are well and are looking forward to the Easter holidays as I am.

P.s - Disturbed Sunday! So totally awesomeness ( and yes, I know I went all tweeny for a second there, but it's my first real concert, so I'm like virgin :p)

And yes, I did just start singing that song the moment I wrote it. And I reckon you did too. Didn't you? Come on, admit it. You did? Huh, Huh? Hehe.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Video Palooza!

I have finally figured out how to add multiple videos to one blog, so currently I am going nuts.

Below is my favourite video, she's such a psycho it's funny. Enjoy!

And who can forget: Chris Crocker! It just cracks me up.

This one is Kerri's fault, I am so obsessed with her, I cannot stop watching her videos. She highlights so many idiosyncrasies I have. This is called "Keep it".

I don't really have anymore for now. But enjoy anyways. xx

Finally Flyleafing My Blog. Wooh!

Just adding a little bit of love to my blog, because I love, love, love this song. And I so totally have the hots for Lacey.

That is all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

He's Home!

Well, Zepplin is finally home, back with his Mum and Dad. So far he's been alright. Just peeing everywhere except his litter tray, but that's okay because at least he's peeing. I have to give him medicine two times a day and special food. I am taking tomorrow off Uni just to keep an eye on him.

But things are looking up. I missed him and he missed us too. Brushing up against us all the time.

It was tough to get the medicine in his mouth. The first one must taste like shit, cos he was salavating so much and even a little bit afterwards. The second one just slid down. And he's seems to be okay. Everytime I walk in there he's resting on his bed I made up for him. Poor baby.

Diego is always anxious to get in there to see him. He's been howling for the last couple of days, I think he missed him too. Or it's just that Zepplin has food in there, and that's all Diego wants. :p

Right now he's not complaining to get out of the laundry, so I am assuming he's no where near 100% better yet. Especially cos he's still got a little bit of blood in his urine. But apparently that's expected. So far so good. I will give you all another little update tomorrow to let you know if he's progressed or not.

For now, night night xx

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Update on Zepplin

So far he's doing okay. He's not eating and is still in some amount of pain. I got to visit him yesterday, he was all drugged up still from the anethestic. But he kept his eyes open the whole time, and I gave him lots of kisses and pats. And he got some love from Nick too. He was wearing a cone and he had heat packs around him and a blanket over him. Tubes coming out everywhere. He seemed to be okay. There was kittens next to him in the next cage. They were making such a racket, but was okay. It was good seeing him but he might need more blood tests to see how his kidneys are. I still miss him so much and hope he's able to come home tonight. Diego and Hamlet miss him too. Hope you all feel in formed, I wanted to just keep you all update and I thanks you all for your kind wishes and words. I love your guts. Ciao!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Updating Continues

The vet called at 11pm. He told me Zepplin wasn't able to pass urine on his and that he was blocking up again, so he definitely will have to administer a catheter. Another four hours later at six am, the vet called again. They managed to administer the catheter, thank God. As he was going to have to through another round of anethestic. He's a fighter, I'll give him that. But even though they got the catheter in, his kidneys have some damage. They're hoping the catheter we release all the crystals from the urine. But they're going to give him 24 hours and see how his kidneys go. If they get better he should be able to come home, if they don't well then I probably will never see my baby again. I can't handle anymore of this. I miss him so much and I wish I could hold him. We're going to call the vet at 10am, to see how he's going. My prayers are with you, Zepplin, my baby.

Update on Zepplin

The vet called. Zepplin is still pretty sick. But he's a good vet and isnt going to ship him off to a veterinary hospital, he's going to check in on him at 10pm to see how he's going and going to try and put the catheter back in again. Poor thing. He's going to go under another round of anethestic to put the catheter in. I'm so worried and I miss him so much. That's it for now. I will update you again when I know more.

I Love You, Zepplin

Today was probably the worse day I have had all year. Today I took Zepplin to the vet.
Why you ask?

Well let me start at the beginning...

It all started last night when Zepplin wouldn't come in when I called him. He always comes in. Especially when I rattle the cat food. But it took about an hour to get him to come back home. And then when I brought him in he started growling at me. And nick told me he growled at him during the day. Then when we put him down he'd hide himself away. He wasn't eating. I was so worried, and in absolute hysterics; he was never like that.

This morning he seemed to be deteriorating pretty quickly. So I called Mum and she come down to take me and Zepplin to the vet. As he was lying on the tiles and every time he'd move he'd growl regardless of whether we touched him. Every time he walked around his back legs would shake. And he when he went to the toilet this morning he decided he would stay in the litter tray as it was too painful to get out.

We finally got him to the vet, and it was all bad news from there. He had a huge mass in his body, and the vet said that that was his bladder because it was full and that he probably has crystals in his urine preventing him from going to the toilet. They said he needed to have surgery. That if he didn't have it he could die. And if he did have it and if he did take to the anesthetic he could die too and that I would have to choose. If I didn't consent to surgery he would need to be put down, I was in tears the whole time. Of course I decided he should have the surgery. Where they were going to try and empty his bladder and then put a catheter in. I had to leave him there and say goodbye just in case. Tears streaming down my face, I even made my mum and my sister cry too.

I called them just before to see how everything was going. They said he took to the anesthetic. And they emptied his bladder but they couldn't get the catheter in. He's now lying in a bed with heat packs around him and they're going to keep him there over night and see how he goes and whether his bladder fills up again, also try and get the catheter in again. I hope he's okay. I don't know how I am going to go not having him wandering around the house tonight. They say I have to call them in the morning at 10.30am to get the full news from the vet.

I feel a little better knowing he's okay at the moment. But I am still really worried. I am also glad I had some money saved away or else I would never have been able to afford to get him surgery and I would have lost him today.

I'm praying he gets better, and I can bring him home soon.