Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Providing Viable Blood for the Vampires.

Guess what? I am donating blood tonight. Because I am a good citizen. I am an awesome person. And the fact, I really want to, someone out might need my rare blood (I dont know if it really is rare, but we can only hope that my blood has wonderful magical powers, right?). So right now I am drinking loads of water and trying to stay away from lots of sugars and acid. I hope the vampires are happy. Drinking my blood will be like being on ecstasy. Tripping all the way to Wonderland. I don't know whether I am happy knowing the vampires will be drinking my blood, but at least they aren't getting it freah from innocent children or something. Okay, okay, so I know that vampires aren't real. But it's fun to fantasise about weirdo things. I wish I was magical. I wish I had powers. I think that would make sense. Like I could have some sort of xray vision, or empathy powers. Or freezing. Man I wish I could freeze things. Alright, so now I am going off topic. Alright packing up. Downing tons of water and off to my next class then comes the envitable needle. Burr. I hate needles. Peace out yo!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Constitution, and all the Rest

The Constitution Hierarchy

States of Constitution

Example of state Constitutional Hierarchy

Now you're probably wondering what the? Since when does this constitute a blog (haha no pun intended). But I have been thinking a lot about all this politics stuff and realised I don't really know the hierarchy of it all. How people go where, who's who? I've been sort of confused when I hear people talk about House of Representatives and Sentates and Legislative power, blah, blah, blah. And you're probably thinking, why the hell are you doing a politics subject if you don't know this? Well I guess I am like most people, we see all the media and the elecitons and we do the voting, and just assume we know everything, because let's face it how could we not. But I am going to be honest, this course has opened my eyes away from my very limited views on the subject.

And after going to my politics class and sitting there going, what the? I decided I needed to educate myself pretty quickly, so with the help of Nick's Constitutional Law expertises I have finally figured out the Hierarchy.

So let me break it down for you:

There's the Constitution, der.

Underneath there's legislative, exectutive and judical power.

Let's start with legislative, now it holds all the people responsible for putting through new legislation. So like Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott and all federal members(house of representatives), and the senate so basically the people who keep the house of reps in check.

Now the executive is basically well lets make it easy, the governor-general of australia Quentin Brice. (or an older rep the Queen) Ta da. The executive power also includes the highest ministry chairmen, prime minster etc.

Then there's Judical - which is basically your jugdes, and they interperate the legislation into laws.

By now you know as much as I do, which sad to say is not much. But this basic view of the Constitution and the Parliament helped me understand the debate dicussion today, which was on whether or not we should up date the Constitution to display current laws and legislation as well as updated rights of Aboriginals and women. I think it's safe to say that I think the Constitution should be updated.

I know, could this post be any more boring. But when I was discussing this with both Nick and my tutor, I found it interesting, and I wanted to write about it. I will be sure to write more interesting topics soon.

Anyways I cannot think what more to write on this subject. Ciao!

P.s. Please forgive my painting skills - the diagrams are grade three stage. :p

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Singing in the train, tram, bus. Wherever Man!

You what I love most about public transport. Singing. Not specifically me, but when you hear somebody else singing. Even if they are out of key, I love it. It brightens up my whole day. Because if that person can sing on the bus like nothing matters, then nothing matters, does it? Why do we bother getting upset about things? I mean that guy might be going through the most shittest time in his life, and yet he still sings. And so I smile and nothing gets me down for the rest of the day. It's funny cos these people do it anywhere. Behind me when I am standing at the bus stop. Or on the train with a guitar and no idea how to play it let alone sing along with it. And sometimes there's more than one person, like the boys I noticed the other day singing in harmony at the back of the bus. And even though it feels dorky to do, I do it anyway, this huge, wide grin appears on my face and doesnt disappear for the rest of the day. Sometimes, I even join in, just quietly in my own sit, in my own little world and I feel good. I do not care that I suddenly sound like a complete an utter nutter. I love, love, loooooove it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Technologically Advanced? Or Robots?

I haven't figured out how to add this as a video so you're just going to have to deal with the link thing at the moment. I added this link because we were told to watch it as a part of an assignment. But it got me thinking. Are we really so intuned into the internet that we no longer know how to live in the real world without it? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/view/?utm_campaign=homepage&utm_medium=top5&utm_source=top5 I was thinking about all the things I do on the internet. For example:

  • Facebook

  • Email

  • Youtube

  • Blogspot

  • MSN

  • Google etc

It's funny because sometimes I do all these things at once. Does it affect the way I can process things? I believe it does. When I think about it more, I realise that when I am studying, I can't seem to only have one page open, I have two or more pages open. I believe I can sit there and read something and also talk to Kerri on Msn and also be listening to music when I am studying. However I don't believe that I can actively do all these things well when I am doing them all at once.

I find that if I am watching something everything else is stuck on the screen behind - I find I have to pause the screen to be able to talk to people on Msn. Also the fact that my conversations on msn tend to go a little slower as I am always doing something else at the same time.

What scares me about the internet and gaming and virtual world is that people can get so addicted to it. As I watched this video, I discovered that I was frightened by the people who practically live in the cyber nation. In Korea they need Cyber Addiction Camps to help combat the growing number of people constantly jacked into the internet, into games. Conversation with that person changes, they sometimes forget to eat or drink and can be jacked into these worlds for days without a break. I mean how can that be healthy? And is this where we are headed? Do we know where the line is anymore?

There are some people who are so intuned with the virtual world that they don't know how to live without it. A vacation is no longer a vacation because we can still have access to everything that is happening back home. We have internet on our phones, there are internet cafes pretty much everywhere now. I mean how do we escape from this really? Do we go to countries that aren't so updated to the cyber world. Is it possible to be able to live without it? Can we survive without knowing everything little thing going on in the world at every single minute of the day?

As I watched this video, I started to think about how people interact now. So many people live in virtual realities, and have sometimes never met. I have noticed this with myself in one aspect. Kerri is one of my bestfriends, it feels as those I see her everyday. But I don't. In the almost two years that I have known her, I have met her face to face a total of two meetings. She knows things about me and I her that it's weird that we haven't known each other longer or that we don't live nearer to each other. I mean do we feel more freedom when talking to someone over the internet? Are we more ourselves when we don't really have to connect with these people? In games and virtual realities such as World of Warcraft and Second Life, people connect to other people, they talk and help each other out, and in some cases these virtual friends know us better than friends we live close by to, who we see all the time. How is that true? That we can share such an intense connection with someone we have barely met? Is it because we've never met? Or is that we know that they may never see the real me? Is it so easy to form an intense bond with someone, because over the internet, we can be whoever we want to be? Because, lets be honest everyone is thinking the same way. Nobody is going to judge you, because nobody sees you in real life, nobody really knows who you are.

When we meet people for the first time, we always shield ourselves. We never give away everything because we're afraid of rejection, we're afraid of ridicule. Let's face it, we're not going to get that over the internet. It's like a nerd's dream of having lots of friends. It's a way for outsiders in high school to feel like insiders. Is it really a way for us to feel less alone when that's all we are?

I wonder how I would cope if all this were taken away from me. I mean I can connect and find out about how my friends are going in their life by things like facebook and blogging. I find that I have such a busy life that using these things helps me be connected to my friends, helps me still know what is going on in their life even when I don't see them. And I wonder whether this is helping me distance myself from my friends? Whether I need to see my friends at all to still know what is happening in their lives.

It isn't any wonder why people use robots in movies as a source of something scary. Because in a way it is. I mean as we become more immersed in technonlogy, do we ourselves become more technologically advanced or are we just robots and can no longer connect with people without technology?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Important Things...Like Cheezels.

I made three contracts today. First day of contracts and I made three. Wooh, I am the contract queen. The contract slut as Nick calls me. I felt so good. I felt like I could do this. And I did. And I smashed it!

I brought an office chair for my study yesterday. It's pink and the back bends just enough that it's comfy but not too comfy that I want to fall asleep instead of studying. Nick reckons the seats too hard. You know sometimes he's just a big girl. I mean get over it, sook. It's my chair. Full stop.

It rained today. And my pants smelt like wet dog. And I ate Maccas and so now I feel bad, because I keep eating things I shouldn't. And really it doesn't actually taste as good as I think it does before I buy it. But somehow I forgot that vital piece of information right before handing over the dough. Selective? More than likely.

Zepplin mauled a baby bird the other day. Nick texted me a picture of it. It was sitting in a box and looked perfectly fine. Me, I probably would have released it back in the wild out of sympathy and motherly instinct, but seeing as I wasn't the one dealing with it, the baby bird got a stone to the head. Pure homicidal brilliance, that was. Poor birdy.

I indulged myself the other day. Kerri sat on my shoulder the entire time, I swear. With her little devilish whispering urging me to keep buying. I brought clothes, and was actually surprised at how little I ended up spending, especially because I brought a lot of things. But the things made me feel good. More of the fact that I was spending my money on me for once and not fugly stuff like bills or that gremlin we like to call rent. I didn't buy boots. Sorry Kerri, but I didn't find any I liked enough. But it still felt good to spurge. C:

So our cat sleeps in the dog's bed, and the dog sleeps on our bed.
And the kitten? well he sleeps on the bathroom mat.

Well, I ought to be going to sleep. Night all xx

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wishing Wells and Mad Hatters

I know it has been a while since I last updated. My sincerest apologies.
Words seem to be evading me lately. It's not your fault, I know that. You just come to this page to read me, and I again apologise for my lack of inspiring odes. I do wish I had lots of interesting stories to tell you today, but alas I do not. I only have come to transcribe my current writer's block in hopes that something will slip out of my crazy mind. So far...nothing. Just peachy.

I have this sudden case of Living-in-my-Head syndrome. Such fanatstic stories and fantasies live there, in my head. But when it comes to expressing them, well, as you can tell...nothingness.
Here's something, but it is all.

Only Alice in Wonderland tells,
of bridges of brick, and wishing wells.
Of scarlet red roses, bright blue seas,
of children's monsters and maple trees.
Because when you're as mad as a hatter
and life does not much really matter,
and nothing inspires, but insane rhyme,
nothing but endless space and time.
I could write you this colourful scene,
and tell you where the bad boys have been.
But nothing escapes these ruby lips,
and nothing flees these pirate ships.
Because nothing remains,
because nothing contains
these crazy images of my hell.
As nothing is nothing
like only something is something,
when it's just a crazy wish to a wishing well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No More Needs to be Said

'I am currently sitting at Uni...on my everlong break...bored out of my brain....but at least I have the awesome Kerri online to entertain me.' - Quote of the day, by Kerri Allen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hour Long Intros.

I start work tomorrow. And I don't know whether I am excited or scared. I fear they have forgot they asked me to start work and just say 'who are you?.' But lets not dwell. Today is my second day of Uni and last day for the week. I am thrilled to have my brain filled with knowlegde, and also a little bit tired of reading that my head hurts always. Too many words and yet as I say this I realise I am writing more words. Well at least this is more for lesiure.

I'm finding that Kerri and I are texting frequently. I think that's the only way either of us would survive Uni and it's hour long intro sessions and the lovely long bursts of knowledge. Although I have to say and sorry Kerri that I do so, but I feel my subjects are more interesting than yours. LOL - kidding. Although you'd probably agree with me anyways. And I know as I sit here and type that Kerri is texting me every five minutes cos she's currently experiencing and hour lnog intro. Have fun!!

I am tired. I know I said that before, but man I tired. I want to go home and sleep til my birthday cos I know there is no way I am studying that weekend. Although when I come to think of it now, I am probably going to go double time study so I dont have to on my birthday. But my mind will ignore that right now cos it's not important and puts a wet blanket on my excitement.

Anyways enough rambling. Time to go back to study then blissful sleep.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Better Way to Live

Has officially started Uni. And I couldn't be more excited. Did all of my lectures yesterday. Two of which I enjoyed immensely. One of which bored me to tears - Contemporary Australian Politics. I know what you are thinking, yep, even the name is a taken from a sign in Boresville. The level of boring was given an added exasperated sigh by just looking at the lecturer; a distinguished, grey-haired older man looked to be in his 50's with a slight lisp every time he got excited about something, which almost seemed to be everything.

The topics were seeing as they related to current themes, but in no means gave us anything to jump for joy about. It's not hard to know what is going on in today's politics as the politicans are doing such a bang up job that they are making the news every night. And not in a, we-solved-something way, in a we're-a-bunch-of-morons-who-act-like-children-and-dont-really-know-how-together-to-achieve-one-goal way. But alas this was the topic of the hour, as well as poles, parties, the pendulum and statistics such as the party mapping and the census results. I know from what it sounds, that it can't be that boring if I managed to remember everything that was said the next day. Truth be told that I already knew the topics and are therefore not needing a refresher course anyways but alas got one.

I think the reason why it seemed to that aspect of well boredom was the fact that the guy was ancient. And I don't mean appearance, I mean in reality. It felt like he was almost so afraid of technology that if he could he would've whipped out a chalk board with actual chalk.
No power point, only over head projectors with lots of flattering pictures of all the current politicans. No lecture notes online to study and no recordings. But all in all he still got some little laughs out of me. Kill me :p

The rest of the day was fascinating. Just absorbing so much information that you fear you'll forget the moment the slide is not in front of your face anymore. So many faces. I had about 200 people in my psych lecture and probably close to the same in my sociology one too.
In soc, we watched a tv series called Breaking Bad. Quite interesting. About a very nice man, doing to the good thing in life getting handed a raw deal. Been told he has cancer but not enough health insurance to cover it. And so he basically becomes a meth maker and distributor to provide for his family. Society's way of saying I am going to fuck with your life so you eventually become the scum of the universe, hope cancer treats you well. I pitied the man, regardless of the fact that it was fictional drama. You see people in life, including yourself and you think, why me? Why do these things only happen to me? There's a spoiled brat who gets everything handed to her and things just come so easy to her. She'll live to be rich model etc. And I'll struggle my way through college to only earn a little bit more than her. Is it worth it? Who knows. But the series just got me thinking about that kind of stuff. How one person can receive so much and deserve it, and how another can work hard his whole life and to just get screwed by society who favour the privileged.

As you are aware, Uni has sparked a light in me that I thought I'd forgotten. I love to study, to be filled with knowledge, to be passionate about something. Today I am hoping to join the Environment club. A discussion yesterday with Nick got me thinking.
Finally I am excited by something that I can achieve, and I have never felt better.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Events of my little Life.

I just got a call today that I now have a job. Wooh! Finally, feels like forever since I last worked. I start next Thurs from 830-5. This is great, because I'll be at Uni from mon to wed. I am really looking forward to it. It's only casual job, on the floor retail sales. But it's something none the less. And it will help me get further we saving for a car.

I start Uni next week also and I absolutely cannot wait either. I went to orientation, and pretty freaked myself out. It was just so overwhelming. And then with the knowledge of knowing when all my assignments are due is really doing my head in. But I know once I start I'll be fine.
I miss studying so this is gonna be good.

My birthday is coming up faster now. My dress will arrive in April. And we've got the marquee and stuff coming at the moment. It feels as though it's all finally coming together. I am so excited to see all my friends and family again.

April is going to be good also. I am going to the Disturbed concert. Is so going to be awesome!! I am going with Dawnie. She's going to pop my concert cherry as she's always wanted to.

Well this seems like enough of a rant. Love my lovely peoples xx
