Sunday, March 27, 2011

Singing in the train, tram, bus. Wherever Man!

You what I love most about public transport. Singing. Not specifically me, but when you hear somebody else singing. Even if they are out of key, I love it. It brightens up my whole day. Because if that person can sing on the bus like nothing matters, then nothing matters, does it? Why do we bother getting upset about things? I mean that guy might be going through the most shittest time in his life, and yet he still sings. And so I smile and nothing gets me down for the rest of the day. It's funny cos these people do it anywhere. Behind me when I am standing at the bus stop. Or on the train with a guitar and no idea how to play it let alone sing along with it. And sometimes there's more than one person, like the boys I noticed the other day singing in harmony at the back of the bus. And even though it feels dorky to do, I do it anyway, this huge, wide grin appears on my face and doesnt disappear for the rest of the day. Sometimes, I even join in, just quietly in my own sit, in my own little world and I feel good. I do not care that I suddenly sound like a complete an utter nutter. I love, love, loooooove it!

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