Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wishing Wells and Mad Hatters

I know it has been a while since I last updated. My sincerest apologies.
Words seem to be evading me lately. It's not your fault, I know that. You just come to this page to read me, and I again apologise for my lack of inspiring odes. I do wish I had lots of interesting stories to tell you today, but alas I do not. I only have come to transcribe my current writer's block in hopes that something will slip out of my crazy mind. So far...nothing. Just peachy.

I have this sudden case of Living-in-my-Head syndrome. Such fanatstic stories and fantasies live there, in my head. But when it comes to expressing them, well, as you can tell...nothingness.
Here's something, but it is all.

Only Alice in Wonderland tells,
of bridges of brick, and wishing wells.
Of scarlet red roses, bright blue seas,
of children's monsters and maple trees.
Because when you're as mad as a hatter
and life does not much really matter,
and nothing inspires, but insane rhyme,
nothing but endless space and time.
I could write you this colourful scene,
and tell you where the bad boys have been.
But nothing escapes these ruby lips,
and nothing flees these pirate ships.
Because nothing remains,
because nothing contains
these crazy images of my hell.
As nothing is nothing
like only something is something,
when it's just a crazy wish to a wishing well.


  1. I love this... can't even begin to explain why

  2. I don't understand it. Poems are weird and undecipherable. I like the shout out to pirates though.

  3. That's because you are uneducated.
