Monday, May 9, 2011

Post-Birthday Festivites

Hey y'all, I know it's been a while since I last blogged properly. So here goes nothing.

I don't have any photos yet of my party, those will come soon I hope. But I am just giving everyone a brief update on how the night went. And also avoiding doing my assignment, which Nick is probably going to kill me for. But oh well.

The day started early, like eight, because we though Nick's parents were going to be there early. Which they weren't and so we could've slept in. But that's okay, we got most of the set up started, and cleaning.
Eventually his Dad showed up with the rest of the lights and speakers for the music and all the decorations. Right around the time my Dad came over. He brought Elijah and Jeremiah with him. Gosh, they've grown up a lot. And they are so adorable. But otherwise no different from when I last saw them. So that's okay. I hate when you haven't seen someone in ages and you think of how much they've changed and how much you've missed out on everything and whether you'd be able to catch up in just one session. But it was all good. Dad took me out for hot chocolate and we let Eli and Jai play on the playground while we caught up. There's a lot going on at my Dad's house, a new baby on the way. So poor Amanda is run off her feet. But Dad's not ant Uni anymore, which might be a good thing by the sounds of it, he's a bit fatigued. Probably good to have a break while the baby is going to be coming soon. So we sat there and chatted away for a while, before going to back to my house. Where he met Nick and his Dad. Eventually though Dad had to go. But it was good seeing him again.

Next my parents came to help with everything and Nick's mum and brothers came down too. And we started all the rest of the set up. The banner went up great, except Jade, Kelly and I were there for ages sticking all the letters and stars on. But eventually it look fantastic. All the lights were up and the music connected. Then we were blowing up balloons with hellium, they had little lights in them. It all looked awesome. Finally we all went in to get ready. Jade was really proud of herself because mum let her do her hair and make-up. But mum looked really beautiful. And when she put on her dress, I couldnt but tell everyone who walked in to look at mum and how gorgeous she looked :p

The red acrpet was down and the ropes in place. Everyone was making their way in. Macca held everyone up for about half an hour each group because he was taking so many pictures, by then i felt as though i could no longer smile.

The music was pumping, everyone looked very pretty. Almost everyone showed up. It was a very good night. I was kind hyper and loud. But very excited and so so very happy. Nick did a good job, and I will thank him for it for the rest of his life. As well as his and my parents, who did a tremendous job in making it all go smoothly.

By the end of the night most people were drunk, there was a group of girls, including me that sang to the music and the top of lungs most of the night, i think i lost my voice for a while there. The nutbush as it usually does, and we all did the dance moves. I put it in the playlist just for mum :P

My cousin Brendan got so drunk that we had to help to go the bathroom. He knocked my towel rack down several times and half the time it looked like he was asleep standing up.

The cakes were wonderful. They tricked me by putting candles on that relight after you blow them out, it go so frustrating that I just let Natalie blow them out :p The cheesecake one was especially nice.

The night was so amazing, I had such a good time, and it was so good seeing everyone again. I wished Kerri was there. But otherwise it was awesome. I like to thank Nick and both his and my family for making the night such a blast. I love you all.

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