Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chalk and Maturity

I went to an interview today that turned out to be a really good interview. I don't know whether that means I got the job or not, but I was pleasantly satisfied with it. I almost didn't make it, considering I only just read the email two hours after my initial interview time. But I saved it by calling to reschedule. Not so much a different day to others, but more I-felt-better day, I guess.

I've realised that I cannot wait to start Uni in March. I have an information day next week. And I am super thrilled about the prospect of getting books and possibly a desk for studying. I miss studying and having assignments and deadlines. It's amazing to have a routine again and to be passionate about something again. It is also awesome to get out of the house too.

I miss the drive of going to Tafe or Uni etc. Meeting new people and the school-like atmosphere. There's such knowledge that surrounds you when you walk onto a campus. So many brains all cuddled up in towering buildings and sitting in non air-conditioned classrooms. I love listening to people's opinions on subjects and the interaction. Man, am I super excited.

The thought of studying brings me back to high school. The smell of chalk, the sticky gum under tables. The bell. The lockers. The familiar faces of classmates and friends. The only thing I don't miss is the uniform, it's too conservative. And not having a uniform at uni is displaying that sense of independence and maturity.

I don't think anything can compare to knowledge and being learned. I do not care whether people think I study too much. You can never study too much, you can never know enough. I love learning, I love knowing. I love knowing there is always something I can learn.
And that will never change...

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